Within Autism, sensory processing may be
tricky at the best of times, in the height
of Summer, new challenges arrive.
Whilst some are counting down the days
on the calendar, longing for long hot days,
bright sunshine, and lighter evenings,
some people on the Autistic Spectrum are not.
And here's why!
The heat of Summer, and body temperature
regulation, are a tricky partnership . Often,
some people with Autism may find it difficult
to regulate their body heat, meaning the
summer heat, can be intense,
overwhelming and stifling.
Brightness, everywhere! Bright lights can
be hard to tolerate for some people on the
Autistic Spectrum. The summer, with its
shining bright sun, can make the sensitivity
to light extremely challenging.
More noise, more people, more invites!
In the sunmer, it's natural that people may
want to get out, attend more social events,
and flock to local beaches and parks. But
for an Autistic person, this can sometimes
be a source of overwhelm.
The noise increases, and the streets and
gardens that were quiet and calm in the
winter, are now busy, loud, and the source
of different smells, such as BBQs.
The safe havens outdoors for an Autistic
person, are now far to busy to enjoy, and
things have changed. There are new
smells, new sounds, new expectations.
Invites might come, and the pressures to
attend may accompany them. With the
attendance of social events, may come
Masking, and with that, may come
overwhelm, shut down, or burn out. Whilst
many people may venture outdoors more in
the summer, an autistic person may choose
to stay in.
Summer nights! With the lack of the ssleep
hormone melatonin, being produced for
people with Autism, sleep can be hard
enough to come by.
The bright evenings, heat, and excess
noise outside can make it even harder. As
a result of this alone, routines might end up
changing. The fan on at night might not be
an option, due to the noise and the feel,
and perhaps an open window is an open
invitation for bugs!
Sensory textures! Textures such as suncream, and the smell that comes with them, can bring new challenges Sensory wise. As can the
feeling of sweating, the feel of the sand on
the beach, the stickiness of a melting ice
cream, the tag or waistband of the new and
necessary summer shorts, and the feel of a
hat or cap.
So, whilst summer brings joy for some, it
may bring anxiety for others.
The Spectrum is a wide and varied
spectrum, and every individual will bloom,
flourish and thrive in their own Season, and
that Season, is not always summer